At the 4th floor, in the blue office of the Breteuil’s Avenue in Paris, Isabelle Girollet exhibits with Jean-Pierre Barbance and Maud Louvrier. Isabelle’s art takes a special place in the So Beautiful Exhibition from September 22nd to 28th 2016.
An exhibition dedicated mainly to a specialized public; architecture and interior design, the Isabelle’s photographs Cosmos (180×120 format), Jumping (100×150), CO2 / Tempo (80×120) and Atmosphere (70×100) bring this symmetry of shapes and spaces, these colors so pure that they make us travel in our imagination. An ephemeral showroom specialized in architecture and decoration, which will occupy three Haussmann apartments in the 7th arrondissement of Paris.
At the origin of the project: Jean-Baptiste Vial and Coralie Vasseur, co-founders of DecoWorkers and their desire to offer a different ecosystem to connect professionals together and reinvent B to B meetings.
About Decoworkers:
DecoWorkers, imagined as a new media generation, is an architectural professionals Community, design and decoration. The start-up facilitates and encourages meetings and networking through the exchange 2.0, events and other initiatives.
Dates: September 22nd to 28th 2016
Address: So Beautilful! Ephemeral Showrooms
Visit So Beautiful’s website in french only.